Why go green? Supply Chain Cube RFQ Transportation Warehousing Carbon Calculation Project & Process Management Risk & Resilience

Do you know the risk exposure of your supply chain and want to be more resilient?

Do you need to run a supply chain related RFQ and don't know how?

Are your stakeholders asking you about your carbon footprint and sustainability goals? Are transport cost increases killing your budget and you don’t know how to become more efficient and more environmentally sound at the same time?

No worries, we are here for you. Green Wolf is a consultancy focused on helping clients in the areas of supply chain (e.g. process analysis & redesign, reverse logistics, RFQ management), green supply chain & carbon emissions calculation, risk & resilience consulting, and sustainability. Over 30 years of experience in domestic and international supply chains are an asset you can acquire on a flexible cost basis - as your project manager, go to guy, process designer, analyst, team coach, and pioneer. And should Green Wolf not have the core expertise or capacity for large scale projects, there is our partner network with a large variety of additional services at your command.

So come on in and find out more about what we do! You can start by clicking on the icons to the left… and please reach out to us any time.

Welcome to Green Wolf!